If you can dream it, you can do it–Walt Disney
I am a self-professed Disney ‘junkie.’ I love all things Disney and I love being creative, so this site is my opportunity to share both my love of Disney and my creative side. For this first post, I want to show you how to create a personalized coffee mug.

Items needed:
- inexpensive coffee mug (Dollar Tree mugs work best)
- rubbing alcohol
- Sharpie paint markers (NOT water based)
- clear contact paper (with design to trace if needed)
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- Wipe all surfaces of mug with rubbing alcohol prior to decorating to remove as much of the glaze as possible (I typically use alcohol wipes). Let dry.
- Trace or draw design on back of contact paper. Cut out and stick to mug. All areas covered by contact paper will stay white.
- I used a Mickey note pad as my template, but you can download a page of Mickey head templates here.
- Some of the paint colors WILL change once baked, so I decided to use a dotted design, which looks better than one solid color. Using one color at a time, I dotted around the template, letting the paint dry before switching colors.
- Once the design was completed, I removed the contact paper and added my name in the center.
- Let dry for a few hours (overnight is better).
- UPDATE: Beth at Destination Decoration researched the best time frames for Sharpie mugs. Her results indicate you should bake at 250 degrees for 2 hours. You can read about her results here
- When I made these previously I baked in an oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, however I recommend following Beth’s recommendation for the best color.
- These mugs WILL smell while baking. I placed the mug in a pan upside down while the oven was cold.
- Once it was done cooking, I turned off the oven and left it sitting in there until cool.
- Although the paint has been set, I recommend hand-washing instead of using dishwasher.
If you need more clarification, Tasha at Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body has a step-by-step video tutorial.
Easy Dotted Sharpie Mugs {PERFECT Teacher Appreciation Gifts}!
The great thing about this project is your ability to create just about ANY design. My youngest daughter has been obsessed with Hunger Games recently and made this one by herself 🙂
Have fun being creative!