When I graduated from college, I treated myself to a cruise with my good friend, Karrie. At that time, Disney didn’t have its own cruise line, but there was an option for coordinating a Carnival cruise and days at the World. The cruise was ok, but definitely not something I truly enjoyed or planned to do again. Nearly 20 years later, I had the opportunity to cruise again, this time with my family on Disney Cruise Line.

There was definitely a difference, as noticeable as night and day. I LOVED cruising with Disney and look forward to doing it again.

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My youngest was excited to meet Captain Jack Sparrow, however we missed him on our first day at Castaway Cay due to weather issues. She was extremely disappointed and worried that we might not meet him at all.
While we were waiting onboard to meet Aladdin, a cast member asked if she had met all the characters she was looking for. As she explained that she couldn’t find Jack, the cast member asked for her name and told her to look for him the next day on the dock. She was ecstatic and could hardly sleep.
Early the next morning, we were one of the first people off the ship so she wouldn’t miss Captain Jack. He called her by name as he came traipsing over the hill and said, “I heard you were looking for me!” Then he spent 10 minutes in conversation with her and it became the highlight of her trip.

Of course, I met my favorite character in the Port before we ever boarded the ship 🙂

Have fun!